Hormone Support Supplement Launching



Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

choose kindness

Choose kindness-How to encourage more compassion

Today we’re talking about choosing kindness. Let’s face it darlings, is it just me, or does the world seem to be going to hell in a handbasket? It was going in a crazy direction before COVID-19, now it just seems

manequins in row

How to improve your body language

Darlings, it’s time to talk body language. No, not how to improve your love life with all that fluttering of eyelashes, flicking of hair and coy smiles, but how to improve every aspect of your life. Has it ever occurred

what your friends think of you

When do you stop caring what your friends think of you?

Getting dressed, buying food, choosing earrings… how many times do we consider what others think, when making everyday choices? Why does it matter so much what our friends think of us, and how can we start living life for ourselves?

women on orange sofa

How To Have Honest Conversations- Improve your Small Talk

Having open and honest conversations is what we all want and I mean come on, is there anything more awkward than having to make small talk? We’ve all been there; found ourselves in a sticky situation, racking our brains for

multi coloured fence

The Importance of Setting Boundaries

Are you always putting other people first or trying to please them? Scared of letting them down or disappointing them? Of course. We all do, we’re only human. But by doing that, we let our own needs and comfort fall

love languages

Communicating Love: What Are The Love Languages?

In 1992, a doctor, Gary Chapman, wrote a book called ‘The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate’, in which he first outlines the way in which partners express or communicate love differently. His work focuses