Hormone Support Supplement Launching



Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

Hormone education: Why it should start at school

Quick question, gang: How did you get your hormone education? We probably all learn about pregnancy and periods in one fashion or another at school. But were you ever taught about hormones? If you’re anything like us, there’s a good

red power cable in the wall

Power: How to boost your personal power

Do you have a picture-perfect vision in your head of what you think your life should look like? We all do darlings; you are not alone in that one. However, while we are waiting for this perceived perfection, what do

body with wrinkles and lines filled in with gold

Self criticism: Does our body image decline during the summertime?

Summer is officially here. While that can be exciting for some, for others, it can be a time of stress, self criticism and frustration. I am a firm believer and supporter that your body is your own and you can

woman covering her face with her arm which has GRL PWR in black written on it

International Women’s Day: Sisters are doing it for themselves…

This Monday was International Women’s Day and so to continue the celebration of women this week we’re looking at some of the kick-ass, strong women throughout history who have proved that sisters really can do it for themselves! Power women

woman with flowers on her vagina

Womanology – A Product Review

Today we’re looking at some of the lovely products from Womanology and I have to say I absolutely love these products! From the self-love potions to the cleansing oils, they are just beautiful. You know we talk a lot about

paint brushes and oil paint

Classic Female Artists for Visual Inspiration

In museums and galleries around the world we are surrounded by the male view. From Picasso to Van Gogh, Degas, Monet and Rembrandt, the artistic world has been dominated by men. But female artists have been making ground-breaking strides in