Hormone Support Supplement Launching



Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

Alex test – Foods and hormones: How diet affects your imbalance

What are hormonal imbalances? Now, if you’re, lucky enough to have a menstrual cycle, you’re well aware of hormonal imbalances. At its heart, your entire cycle is governed by the ebb and flow, ups and downs, and balance and imbalance

jug of water being poured in glasses

Bloating before period? Yes, it’s a real thing.

It must be that time of the month again…or is it? Wait, didn’t I just get my period a couple of weeks ago? So, why am I so bloated? While most of us expect to feel bloated during our period,

woman touching her leg in bath

Loss of sex drive? Could be the Pill

The Pill has a whole slew of well-known side effects ranging from inconvenient breakthrough bleeds to headaches, abdominal pain, and nausea. And, anyone who’s ever used hormonal birth control knows that the side effects are not just physical. They’re psychological

womans neck to to illustrate the relationship between hormones and pain

Hormones and pain: How your cycle affects sensitivity

Hey, how’s your pain tolerance today? We ask because, and you’ve probably noticed this, your sensitivity to pain changes throughout your menstrual cycle. There’ll be days when just being makes your scalp hurt. And there’ll be other days when you

women laid on the sofa

How To Increase Libido in Women

Have you noticed that you never seem to be ”in the mood” much anymore? If you used to enjoy knocking boots but now find yourself completely turned off by the idea, it might be worth finding out if there are

woman laying on bed with a book

Postmenopausal syndrome: What is it and how do you handle it?

So, you’ve made it through Menopause. Or at least you thought you did. You can’t remember the last time you had a period, but those dang Menopause symptoms have not gone away. This is known as Postmenopausal syndrome, and it’s