Hormone Support Supplement Launching


Mental health

Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

woman in profile with head in the clouds

ADHD and PMS: What’s the connection?

Just guzzled your second coffee of the day? Can’t shake that fuzzy feeling? Yep, you know it gang, most of us are familiar with PMS brain fog, AKA a hangover without the fun. Normal as they are, those vague ”What

woman in many different faces

Hormones and Emotions: How your cycle affects your mood

Gang, it’s not just sloughing off the lining of your uterus that causes hormonal mood changes. Yup, hormones affect your emotions all month long, but it’s not all angry crying and never being able to get enough chips. Believe it

woman with constellations on her face

Hormones and How They Affect Your Mental Health

Gang, this week we’re talking mental health, but more specifically, how hormones can have an effect on how you feel. Now, before you file this away under “Well… Duh,” allow us to, perhaps, blow your mind. Yes, anyone who identifies

woman with a bag over her head

How to train yourself to think positively

So who remembers what PMA stands for? If you are of a certain age, you may recall this Persil advert where a young boy was told that if he wanted to be Linford Christie (the British Usain Bolt of his

woman putting a white knitted jumper over her head

The new “new normal”: easing post-lockdown anxiety

Things are starting to open up now around the world. If you’re based in the UK, then chances are you’ve been going out (responsibly I hope!) for a while now. But is this the new “normal”? Maybe you’ve found that

body with wrinkles and lines filled in with gold

Self criticism: Does our body image decline during the summertime?

Summer is officially here. While that can be exciting for some, for others, it can be a time of stress, self criticism and frustration. I am a firm believer and supporter that your body is your own and you can