Hormona Library

Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

women on sofa reading magazine

Recognizing Signs of Hormone Imbalance After Pregnancy

Postpartum hormonal changes: What are they? Postpartum hormonal changes occur when your body experiences shifting hormone levels after birth. After your baby is born, the doctor removes the afterbirth or placenta, which sends signals to your body that you’re no

women reading book

Does Ovulation Make You Tired? Here’s What to Expect

What is ovulation fatigue? As women, we can get numerous symptoms throughout our menstrual cycles. One question we’re asked is, “Why do you get tired during ovulation?” For some, the answer could be ovulation fatigue. Ovulation fatigue is when you

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How a Hormone Balancing Diet Can Improve Your Health

The benefits of a hormone-balancing diet While being on a diet to regulate hormones may not sound like fun at first, once you begin seeing the benefits, you’ll wonder why you waited so long to start. As women, our bodies

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How Long Does LH Stay Elevated After Ovulation? Tracking Advice

What is an LH surge? If you’re tracking your hormones, you’ve probably noticed a drastic increase in your LH levels around the middle of the month, near the time you ovulate. It may make you wonder,” Why is my LH

ovulation tracker

Top 5 Signs of Ovulation After Giving Birth: Postpartum Health

When do you ovulate after giving birth? The postpartum whirlwind can make life extra hectic, and it’s easy to lose track of where you are in your menstrual cycle. Just like every woman is unique, so is the healing period


Health impacts of a short luteal phase: What to know

What is considered a short luteal phase? As we discussed earlier, there are two phases of the menstrual cycle, each playing a key role in your reproductive health. The luteal phase is especially important for anyone trying to conceive since

women reading book in a bath

The role of a hormone imbalance test: Assisting in decision-making

What is hormone imbalance? Before we discuss what a hormone imbalance is, it’s important to go over what hormones are and where they come from. As we discussed above, hormones are chemical messengers that tell your tissues and organs what

women touching her shoulder

Ovulation cramps vs implantation cramps: What’s the difference?

What is ovulation cramping? If you’ve ever noticed a dull ache on one side of your lower abdomen about 14 before your period, you probably experienced ovulation cramping. This discomfort occurs as the follicles rupture, releasing a mature egg. It

women chat at the beach

What your estradiol levels chart reveals: key indicators

What is estradiol? Estradiol is a type of estrogen that’s produced primarily from the ovaries but in lesser amounts by the adrenal glands and fatty tissue. As one of the primary sex hormones, it plays a key role in regulating

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Is Ovulation Bleeding Normal? What You Need to Know

What is ovulation bleeding? Ovulation bleeding is a slight vaginal bleeding that happens when your ovary releases an egg, a process called ovulation. Also known as mid-cycle bleeding, it generally occurs in the middle of your menstrual cycle at the

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How to increase progesterone naturally: Holistic approaches

Optimal levels of progesterone Progesterone is mainly produced by the ovaries in high amounts after ovulation. This hormone is essential for supporting conception and the development of pregnancy. All that is needed is ovulation to achieve the expected levels of

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Top 7 signs ovulation is over and what to do next

How do you know when your ovulation is over? Ovulation is a key part of a woman’s menstrual cycle, but what is it, and what are the signs you already ovulated? The first step is understanding how ovulation occurs and

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Why am I not ovulating but having periods? Solving the mystery

What is anovulation? As we discussed earlier, anovulation is when the ovaries fail to release a mature egg during the menstrual cycle. Many women experience at least one anovulatory period during their lifetime, but if you chronically have no ovulation

women on a sofa

How ovulation and sex drive are connected

Does ovulation make you more horny? When considering the question, “Does ovulating make you horny?” the answer comes from the body’s biological functions during the menstrual cycle. As we touched on earlier, there are two phases in a woman’s menstrual

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The impact of estrogen dominance: Symptoms and causes

What is estrogen dominance? As a woman, you’ve probably heard how important female sex hormones are to your reproductive system. Estrogen and progesterone, the two main hormones, help regulate your menstrual cycle and keep it functioning smoothly. The female body

back of a woman with blond hair

What are the signs that you need hormone replacement therapy?

What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT)? Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women is a treatment that supplements or replaces declining hormone levels. Typically, HRT is given to manage menopausal symptoms, like vaginal dryness, hot flashes, decreased sex drive, and mood

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Understanding ovulation bleeding: What you need to know

What is ovulation bleeding? Spotting or bleeding at any time other than your period can be scary and confusing, but it doesn’t always mean there’s something wrong. To better understand why you may experience ovulation bleeding, it’s important to quickly

jug of water being poured in glasses

Bloating before period? Yes, it’s a real thing.

It must be that time of the month again…or is it? Wait, didn’t I just get my period a couple of weeks ago? So, why am I so bloated? While most of us expect to feel bloated during our period,

woman touching her leg in bath

Loss of sex drive? Could be the Pill

The Pill has a whole slew of well-known side effects ranging from inconvenient breakthrough bleeds to headaches, abdominal pain, and nausea. And, anyone who’s ever used hormonal birth control knows that the side effects are not just physical. They’re psychological

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Spotting – When it is normal and when you should visit a doctor?

Have you ever experienced spotting? Have you wondered whether it is normal or whether you should be concerned and visit a doctor? Being a woman is hard and can be so confusing! We are all different and sometimes it is

womans neck to to illustrate the relationship between hormones and pain

Hormones and pain: How your cycle affects sensitivity

Hey, how’s your pain tolerance today? We ask because, and you’ve probably noticed this, your sensitivity to pain changes throughout your menstrual cycle. There’ll be days when just being makes your scalp hurt. And there’ll be other days when you

open pill capsule

Magnesium and Medication

Magnesium. It’s a thing your nan probably told you to take for cramps. Or you might have heard of its use as a supplement. But there’s so much more to it than that. Did you know that it’s found in

Are You Sad When Breastfeeding? You’re Not Alone.

Breastfeeding can be one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences of being a mom. It activates the feel-good hormone Oxytocin and helps mom and baby create a deep connection… Right? Well, not necessarily. In fact, some women experience the

women laid on the sofa

How To Increase Libido in Women

Have you noticed that you never seem to be “in the mood” much anymore? If you used to enjoy knocking boots but now find yourself completely turned off by the idea, it might be worth finding out if there are

woman laying on bed with a book

Postmenopausal syndrome: What is it and how do you handle it?

So, you’ve made it through Menopause. Or at least you thought you did. You can’t remember the last time you had a period, but those dang Menopause symptoms have not gone away. This is known as Postmenopausal syndrome, and it’s

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Tracking your cycle through cervical mucus

Raise your hand if you learned about vaginal discharge growing up. No? What about cervical mucus and your cycle? No one? We thought not. In your parents’ and teachers’ defense, they likely didn’t know much about them. But that doesn’t

Healthier living with Hormona: How we can help you

Now, we’re not saying we’ve got a magical cure for everything that ails you. But we are saying that the Hormona app has a ton of stuff that can support your overall, as well as your hormonal, wellbeing, helping you

Know your hormones: How Hormona can help you

Let’s be honest. We could all do with knowing more about our hormones. Lots of us weren’t taught about them at school, save for the bare essentials of menstrual and reproductive hormones. Which means we’ve had to learn everything on

woman putting on a face mask

The truth about DIM for acne control: does it really work?

If you were a teenager who suffered from hormonal acne, you know how challenging it can be. You probably couldn’t wait to become an adult and watch your skin transform, leaving those stubborn breakouts behind. Unfortunately, millions of women continue

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IUD side effects: What changes to expect

Intrauterine devices, also known as IUDs, are among the most common forms of contraception available. They’re low maintenance, long-lasting, and incredibly effective. Sounds lovely! And for many women, it is. If you’re considering, or have recently got one, here are

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