Workplace Health: Why Women’s Health is the key to Business Wellbeing

Published May 5, 2023
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Key takeaways

Women’s health has become a subject of much public discussion recently, talking about both the challenges we face from the medical establishment, and the successes we’ve had opening up the conversation around many hormone issues, including Menopause. But there’s often one area of women’s wellbeing left undiscussed, and that’s workplace health.

Why workplace health matters

Hormones issues can strike at any time, be that PMS, PCOS, or Perimenopause. And the symptoms that can come with hormone imbalance are often physically and emotionally debilitating. Which can have an enormous impact, not just on a woman’s health, but also her career, leading to regular time off and in some cases, the decision to stop working altogether.

That isn’t just horrendous for the women involved, lowering their income and ability to thrive. It also has ripple effects that impact their colleagues, employers, and the business world as a whole. Women make up an enormous proportion of the workforce, and yet, this is a situation that repeats the world over. But that impact is much worse in those industries where women comprise the bulk of workers, including Education, Health and Social care, and Retail.

Women leaving work

And with 80% of working women considered to have a hormone imbalance, when 25% of them have to take time off thanks to those imbalances, that’s a huge loss of productivity, talent, and innovation. But perhaps the more alarming fact is that almost half of working women, 49%, according to a National Library of Medicine Survey, have considered reducing their working hours due to hormone health.

Some women, though, almost a third of those surveyed, were fully intending to leave their jobs because of their hormone issues. Those figures only go up when Menopause is accounted for. Any way you look at it, women’s health has a very definite impact on the workforce and the business world.  So looking after it can only ever be good for business.

Businesses can help

The conversation around women’s health, particularly hormones, has gained more attention recently. Some larger companies have taken steps to support their female employees through hormone health training, menopause leave, and fertility support, which is a good start. However, we believe that more companies should prioritize women’s unique health needs.

Employers have an important role in supporting their employees during various stages of their health. And we believe that it’s essential to consider women’s specific health needs. And, we need to remember that supporting your employees during, say, fertility treatment, pregnancy, or menopause, is an on-going process. Which is why there are needs for long-term support, advice, and guidance, to support women’s hormone health.

How can businesses support female employees at different life stages?

Well, modern technology provides the answer. Personalized health solutions like ours allow employees to track their symptoms, forecast their menstrual cycles, and gain valuable insights into their hormonal health. We offer a range of tailored solutions to meet the specific needs of different companies, including a company subscription that provides access to insights, advice, guidance, and our powerful tracking tool for every woman.

By offering these types of benefits and wellness programs, employers can attract and retain top female talent while closing the gender pay and leadership gap. It’s a win-win situation that benefits both the company and its employees.

Companies that get it

By prioritizing employee wellness, companies can boost productivity, engagement, and profitability even in challenging market conditions. Mynt, a Swedish-based fintech company, understands this. This week we were invited to speak to all of their female employees over a nutritious breakfast. We discussed hormone health, living in sync with your cycle, and how the Hormona app can help employers keep supporting their workers.

We’re thrilled to see companies like Mynt taking proactive steps to support employee health and wellness, and we encourage others to follow suit. Because knowledge is power. And that knowledge can keep your employees healthier, happier, more creative and productive. That’s good for everyone.

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Dr Singh is the Medical Director of the Indiana Sleep Center. His research and clinical practice focuses on the myriad of sleep.

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