Know your hormones: How Hormona can help you

Published July 4, 2023
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Let’s be honest. We could all do with knowing more about our hormones. Lots of us weren’t taught about them at school, save for the bare essentials of menstrual and reproductive hormones. Which means we’ve had to learn everything on our own when it comes to dealing with PMS, PCOS, PMDD, and the myriad other imbalances that cause debilitating symptoms. So, as far as we’re concerned, knowing more about your hormones is a power move. Gang, here’s how Hormona can help you get to know your hormones.

Know your hormones: Knowledge is power

As you may have noticed, here at Hormona, we’re all about two things: Hormones and knowledge. We’re always saying that knowledge is power, and where hormones are concerned, that knowledge can have a huge impact on your wellbeing.

And that’s why we put daily insights on our app homepage. They’re quick, easy to digest, and packed with information about what your hormones are up to right now, and how you can support your body immediately. From diet and exercise tips to emotional wellbeing and sex advice, our insights can help you plan your day, knowing that whatever your hormones have got planned, we’ve got you covered.

Great hormone health, though, is an ongoing process and involves your entire being. From what you eat to how you move and everything in between, supporting your optimal hormone health is a whole-body project. Which is why we’ve taken a whole-body approach to supporting your hormonal health journey.

Hormona’s whole-body approach

Our whole-body approach to getting to know your hormones starts with our incredible meal plans — menus specifically tailored for each stage of your cycle. Your body needs different things at different times of the month, and eating to support those stages can literally change your life. The link between gut and hormone health is well-documented, so you’ll feel better, sleep better, and reduce those hormone-related symptoms through the magic of food. Plus, and this is super important: The meals are frickin’ delicious.

But what if you’re already living with hormone-related symptoms that just won’t go away? We’ve got you. Our expert-designed symptom-reduction programs feature actionable habits, based on cutting-edge research and proven by women all over the world. Whether it’s sleep disturbance, stress, PMS, Post-Pill, acne, bloating, brain fog, or Perimenopause, we’ve got a program to help. And we know they help, because we’ve done them.

For a powerful hormone-balancing boost, something you can do every day to lift your mood, lower your stress levels, and support your cycle, we’ve got just the thing. Our exclusive breathwork and meditation sessions, led by world-renowned expert Sheila Arnell are incredible. Both breathwork and meditation are powerful additions to your hormone health toolkit, particularly if you live with hot flashes, hormone-related nausea, headaches, and PMS in particular.

Feed your head for healthy hormones

And to keep one of the most important hormone centers in your body fed — your brain, natch — we’ve got a ton of reliable, usable information. Starting with our expert-designed learning modules, we take a deep dive into how your hormones work, as well as what happens when they don’t, all broken down into courses that you can dip in and out of and learn at your own pace. There’s no better way to know your hormones!

Then there’s the amazing Hormona Library. It’s full of hormone information on everything from menstrual cycles to Thyroid dysfunction, pregnancy to breastfeeding, and anything else related to hormones. And there’s A LOT. And we can’t forget our amazing community, a place where Hormonas come together to ask experts questions, discuss how hormones are affecting them and share their own experiences and knowledge.

You deserve good hormone health!

We’re striving to make the Hormona app your personal hormone health assistant, supporting you, lifting you up, and making sure that, where your hormones are concerned, you’re in control. Because healthier hormones lead to healthier women. And better health is the least we deserve!

Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Dr Singh is the Medical Director of the Indiana Sleep Center. His research and clinical practice focuses on the myriad of sleep.

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