Breast Implants Complications & Hormones – Are Implants Making Us Ill?

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Published April 11, 2021
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Key takeaways

Now, before you worry that I’m going to get all anti-augmentation, let me put your mind at rest. Your body is your business. And, in my opinion, you are free to insert/implant/pierce/tattoo/change any part you feel the need to. So long as you’re safe. And it’s that safety, or lack thereof where breast implants are concerned, that has me, well, concerned.


Breast Implants Problems – Augmented Reality

If you’ve had breast augmentation and have been feeling under the weather for a while, the answer to what’s going on could literally be under your nose. Yup, as you’ve probably already guessed, enhancing your breasts can massively reduce your wellbeing. You’d think that, as boob jobs have existed since the late 19th century, they’d be well studied and super-safe in 2021. But if you read my piece on women’s medicine earlier this month, you’ll be completely unsurprised to learn that precisely zero research went into the safety of sticking things into our boobs.


The journey to today’s silicone and saline bags began, unbelievably with the implantation of glass or ivory. By the 1920s, augmentation had moved on to injections of fatty tissue and/or syringefuls of silicone directly into the body. At no point did anyone actually check what might happen to a woman with glass in her chest, or whether silicone might have some side effects. A century on, and the modern augmentation industry appears to have learned very little when it comes to the long-term effects of the surgery.


Are silicone implants risky insertions?

And I say that because, alongside the increasing popularity of breast enhancement, another trend has appeared. And it’s the high instance of endocrine, immune and neurological conditions among women with implants. Obviously, inserting any foreign object into your body comes with it’s own set of inherent risks. Side effects such as inflammation, infection and painful scar tissue can occur after any procedure.


Breast augmentation risks

Breast implantation surgery, though, carries not just those risks, but many, many more. And they get much worse. Firstly, that aforementioned scar tissue can actually squeeze the implant to the point of rupture. And that’s before we get to the ten-year lifespan of said implant. At which point it can begin to break down and leave you feeling horrendous.

But what about the devices themselves? Both silicone and saline breast implants have their own unique set of possible health problems. If silicone leaks into your system, it can cause havoc with your body and even harden your organs. And don’t forget the 30+ known neurotoxins and carcinogens that go into making the outer shell containing that silicone.

Saline implants don’t fare much better. While leaking isn’t such a problem, they do come with the added bonus of fungus and mold. I’ll just repeat that. Fungus. And mold. In our boobs. Both of these biotoxins have been found in the liquid and valve of saline implants. Not only can they infect your breast tissue, if they spread, you’re in for severe nerve and muscle pain and even neurological disorders.

Can breast implants lead to hormonal nightmares?

And if all that isn’t enough, breast implants have also been linked to Hashimoto’s disease. You may well already be familiar with the condition as it’s the most common thyroid issue in America. It, of course, affect more women than men and can be absolutely debilitating. At it’s core, Hashimoto’s occurs when your immune system attacks the thyroid gland in your throat. It’s a slow-burning condition that can take years to diagnose.

Under attack, the gland begins to break down and stop properly producing the hormones that we so need. Symptoms can be wide-ranging and individual but include weight gain, hair loss, low thyroid hormone, dry skin, brittle nails, dizziness, weakness, low temperature, constipation, sleep disturbance, crazy periods… Frankly, it’s a hormonal nightmare.

Breast augmentation and Hashimoto’s

So how, exactly, can breast implants in any way influence your thyroid gland? That’s a question that the medical community struggles to answer. But then, they don’t really know what causes it in patients that don’t have breast implants either. Let’s consider the evidence.

The symptoms reported by those with Breast Implant Illness, as it’s sometimes called, are scarily familiar. They include weight gain, hair loss, low thyroid hormone, dry skin, brittle nails, dizziness, weakness, low temperature, constipation, sleep disturbance, crazy periods… It’s basically the definition of Hashimoto’s. And it’s well known that autoimmune conditions can be triggered by long-term exposure to chemical and biotoxicity.

Booby trapped

As you might imagine, some doctors – mostly plastic surgeons – continue to deny any causal link between implants and chronic illness. And if you looked at the official research, you’d agree with them. That research, though, is questionable. Studies paid for by implant manufacturers and conducted by the surgeons that sell them led to biased results. But what made this situation worse was the chronic under-reporting of post-surgery symptoms. Until recently, American plastic surgeons were not required to report severe side effects to the authorities. Which means that no one had any idea how bad the situation really was.

So, if you’ve got implants and any of those symptoms sound familiar, the best thing you can do is see your doctor. A couple of simple blood tests will provide a good, if not perfect, indicator of how ill you might be. From there, there are plenty of treatment options that can help you regain your health. Hormone replacement and thyroid surgery can have enormous benefits. But, perhaps, the best way to feel better is to have your breast implants removed. That can stop the toxins, and start the detox journey your body so desperately needs.

If you’re still deciding whether to have implants, make sure you’re well-informed and aware of all the potential risks. Find a good surgeon who’s honest about long-term care. And most importantly of all, keep a close eye on your wellbeing, post-surgery. You might just save yourself years of ill-health.


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Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Dr Singh is the Medical Director of the Indiana Sleep Center. His research and clinical practice focuses on the myriad of sleep.

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