
Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.


Exercise and your Menstrual cycle: How Estrogen affects muscles

Gang, it’s time we talk about Estrogen’s other jobs. Yes, it’s vital in reproduction, but it’s also vital to just a bunch of other stuff. And one of those things is working out. More specifically, your muscles and endurance level.

woman posing with glowing skin

How does Estrogen affect our skin and hair?

In a slight deviation from our usual weekly dose of mildly depressing hormone news, this week, we’re bringing you some good news! And that’s because we’re talking about how Estrogen can actually do some fantastic things for your skin and

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Estrogen and Stress Hormones: How they work together

Have you heard of Estrogen and stress hormones? Have you ever wondered if your ability to cope with stress is different at different stages of your Menstrual cycle? Today we are going to talk about whether the rise in Estrogen


Overnight Fasting 101

Now, you may well be thinking, “Come on gang, we already do this. It’s called sleeping.” Technically, you’re not far wrong. Sleep is definitely a factor, natch, but the fasting we’re talking about starts before your head hits the pillow,

black bin bags

What are the risks if Estrogen is not metabolized properly?

Ah, Estrogen… A crucial hormone that can bring so much joy. And sooo much discomfort. Anyone who has or has ever had periods will happily tell you just how uncomfortable estrogen can make your life, from heavy periods to sore

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The female reproductive hormones and weight

Hormones and weight are connected. Yes, and it’s a pretty important connection too! So today we are going to talk about the connection between hormones and weight. This might be something that you already know or something that you have

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How do we combat the negative effects of cortisol?

Given what the world’s been through recently, it’s fair to say that we’ve all seen our fair share of stress. But, as you probably already know, stress isn’t just a state of mind. It’s a very real, physiological process that,

four feet in bed

How do my hormones affect my sex drive?

Have you ever noticed that your interest in sex changes at different times of the month? Today we are going to talk about how our hormones can change our sex drive and how we feel about sex. A quick note

woman making a heart sign

Healthy hormones: what do hormones in balance look like?

So, we talk a lot about what happens when your hormones are disrupted or out of balance. But what about when our hormones are happy and healthy? What does hormonal health look like and why is it so darn good

plugs in an extension lead

Key Insights on Female Hormone Functions: Wellness Tips

As women age, their bodies go through many changes that affect everything from the way they feel, how they sleep, their menstrual cycles, and more. What causes these often pesky transformations? The answer is quite simple: female hormones. Female hormone

blue baby shoes on pregnant belly

Hashimoto’s, fertility and pregnancy

Gang, today we’re going to talk about something that’s oft-overlooked when discussing thyroid issues: fertility. Yep, we will go into depth to understand the connection between Hashimoto’s and pregnancy. More specifically, what a Hashimoto’s diagnosis can mean in terms of

razor on a hand

Hirsuitism and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

You hear facial hair and I guess you immediately think of a man, right? Have you ever wondered why that happens? The thing is that we all have hair. Sometimes more, sometimes less, sometimes darker, sometimes lighter; but we all

blueberries and pills

Best vitamins for hormone imbalance

In this article, we will discover how much you really know about vitamins, and tell you which the best vitamins for women’s hormone imbalance are. Now, I’m almost 100% sure that you know vitamins are essential for good health, but

wheat field

What’s The Best Diet For Hashimoto’s Disease?

As may you may well know, next to hormones, one of the things we talk about most is nutrition. And today, you lucky things, we going to talk about them both at once. But more specifically, how diet and nutrition

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Hormone Balancing Diet: Keep Your Hormones Healthy

Our hormones are essential for keeping our bodies running as exactly as they should be and with over 200 of them at work they’re responsible for regulating everything from our blood pressure to our sex drive. Unsurprisingly, when they’re out

Polycystic ovaries vs PCOS: What’s the difference?

Have you heard of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or polycystic ovaries? Have you ever wondered if these are the same thing? Or what the difference is? Today we are going to talk about polycystic ovaries and PCOS, what they are

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Living with PMDD: When PMS Get Nasty

Okay, we know what you’re thinking: PMS is always nasty, bish. You are, of course, completely correct. But there are some among us – an unlucky few – for whom nasty doesn’t even come close. That time of the month

woman with constellations on her face

Hormones and How They Affect Your Mental Health

Gang, this week we’re talking mental health, but more specifically, how hormones can have an effect on how you feel. Now, before you file this away under “Well… Duh,” allow us to, perhaps, blow your mind. Yes, anyone who identifies

women holding pregnancy test

What Is FSH And Why Is It So Important?

This massively important hormone not only affects fertility and ovarian health in women, it even affects men. We know, crazy, right? And yet, despite that male connection, there’s surprisingly little information out there for anyone with fritzy FSH. Which, as

thyroid on yellow scale

Revealed: The connection between your thyroid and weight

Have you ever tried a diet, but however many calories you don’t eat, or carbs you forgo, nothing seems to work? One reason may be your thyroid. Yes, I know, big eye rolls, and cries of “Oh, that’s a good

barbie legs with uteruses to illustrate Prostaglandins acting during menstrual cycle

Prostaglandins and PMS

At Hormona, we’re all about women’s health and learning as much as we can about our bodies, our selves and our hormones. And as we often decry, hormones can be an absolutely massive pain in the uterus. From thyroid problems

woman emerging from mirror showing our anatomy

Endocrinologists: Who are they and what do they do? Know your Endo

You’ve probably noticed that, ‘twixt these pages, hormones come up a lot. Like, a lot. Clearly, we’re passionate about them, and not just because we deal with them on a regular basis. Hormones are the control mechanism for almost every

woman leaning back

My PCOS Journey: How hormone health turned into a Revolution

I realized there was something wrong with my body when I didn’t get my period for over six months at university. Fueled by four daily cups of coffee and processed food, I was consistently sleeping past 2 am, and piling

illustration of happy hormones and a bowl

Hormones and How They Affect Your Appetite

You know the drill. At a certain time during the month, there just isn’t enough chocolate in the world. Or chips. And dip. Plus burgers. You get it. No matter what you do, the cravings are so strong, you’re completely

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10 Tips On How To Balance Your Hormones Naturally

Is there actually a way of balancing hormones naturally? Today we’re deep diving into the subject and a little hint- Yes there is! How Can You Balance Your Hormones Naturally? Now, you may be thinking, ‘Is there even such a

woman with hand on her stomach and text running in a wave

Main signs of hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is a common issue in modern life. Hormones are the chemical messengers that tell our bodies how to function in order to maintain a balanced state. Lots of organs in the body produce hormones and the different hormonal

As hands with forks reach for a question mark, we demystify the hormone-balancing diet

Hormone-balancing diet to keep your hormones healthy

Gang, it’s time for a public service announcement. Ready? Food is magic. Not only does it taste delicious and keep you going, but it can also play a huge role in hormone health! Great nutrition helps support the production, use,

pills spilling out of pill bottle

Polypharmacy and the risks of a hormonal imbalance

Welcome to part three of our series on antidepressants! In this article, I will be discussing what psychotropic polypharmacy is and how it can put you at risk for a hormonal imbalance. If you are interested in reading the first

woman with red lips drinking milk

Prolactin: What is it and why should I care?

Ever heard of the ‘milk hormone’? It’s the one that helps new mamas provide milk to nurture their babies. That’s prolactin! Actually, to be more specific, luteotropic hormone (medically abbreviated to LTH). If you haven’t heard of this hormone before,

hands in circle on belly

How your gut biome is intrinsically linked to your hormones

Hormones! Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. These little chemical messengers are responsible for making sure our bodily functions and processes work. However, research is discovering an increasing link between your gut biome (all those lovely little bacteria

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