
Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

woman and mad cuddling in bed

Better orgasms: How hormones can improve your sex life

It won’t surprise you to learn that how to have better orgasms through hormonal health is an extremely popular topic on the interwebs. You might be surprised to learn, though, that it’s actually possible. Here’s how a bit of hormone

Link Between Vitamin D and Menstrual Cycle Length: Key Insights

As women, our menstrual cycle is a normal part of life, but what happens if it’s irregular or comes with painful symptoms? While many over-the-counter and prescribed medications can provide relief, they can also cause side effects (and no one


Louise’s journey: Talking Hormones, HA, and Nourishing Food

Hormonas, we’re so excited to introduce our newest ambassador, Louise Appelgren! Louise is a dedicated advocate for women’s health and wellness, and an accomplished foodie who shares her love of nourishing cuisine on her Instagram page. We’ll be working closely

woman breast-feeding

Breastfeeding and hormones: What the heck is going on?

If pregnant people and new mothers had a dollar for every time someone said, “It’s just your hormones,” they’d never have to go back to work. Maybe it’s funny at first, but after a while, it starts to sound like

The Basics of Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (HA)

Gang, real talk time. Your periods are your fifth vital sign, and a fantastic indicator of your overall health. No, really. Which means that any changes to your cycle or periods shouldn’t be ignored. But what if they stop altogether?


Natural ways to boost hormones

Nature is amazing. Not only does it provide you with food, entertainment, wildlife, and fresh air, but it can also give your hormones and gut health a boost. How? Here are some natural ways to boost hormones with… Food! You

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Ovulation effects that might surprise you

Gang, let’s be honest, Ovulation is something lots of us like to do on occasion. But the truth is, there’s a kind of mystery surrounding these regular-ish egg releases, not least the effect it can have on your physical and,

woman leaning on arms

Hormones and mood: How one drives the other

Have you noticed that you get mood swings in the second half of your cycle? Or that you feel amazing during the first half? That’s all down to the monthly-ish rise and fall of your hormones. Gang, it’s time we

tomatoes and peppers on table

Progesterone and food

Sweets. Takeaways. Cakes, ice cream, crisps, bubbles… What are we talking about? Well, aside from being a kickass shopping list, this is the sort of thing high levels of Progesterone can make you crave. Yup, turns out your hormones really


T3 treatment: Why you probably aren’t getting any

If you’re among the literally millions of women living with a Thyroid issue, there’s a good chance the phrase T3 treatment makes you very annoyed indeed. Apols if we’ve sent your blood pressure through the roof. If, though, your Thyroid

woman holding her back

T4 and T3: Thyroid treatment is failing Part 4

Previously on Hormona… My treatment post-Thyroidectomy was, in my opinion, not working for me. So, I started taking care of it myself, using just T4, and T3 was never, ever something that entered my head as a form of treatment.

Bloods don’t work: Thyroid treatment is failing us all Part 3

Previously on Hormona… I’ve been diagnosed with Graves’ disease and had surgery to remove the dying gland. But now I’m stuck in the limbo between super-ill and just really, really ill. And the bloods aren’t doing a damn thing. Thyroid

Graves Disease: Thyroid treatment is failing us all Part 2

Previously on Hormona… My family has staged an intervention because I am not well. But my Graves disease diagnosis is just around the corner, so things must start getting better, right? Strap in gang, it’s about to get bumpy… Two

Thyroid treatment: How I know it’s failing us all Part 1

Now, as you probably already know, gang, Hormona is all about improving hormone healthcare. And Thyroid hormone health is, in fact, the reason the company exists in the first place. It’s also the reason I work here. Yes, I’m one


Your Thyroid: The what, why, where, and how it controls your hormones

Gang, let’s be honest. Hormones are pretty much in control of your entire being, from your cardiac health to your digestive system and everything in between. But they’re not just running around, having a laugh, and seeing how bad they

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Medication and Magnesium: How they impact each other

Magnesium really is incredible stuff. It’s multitalented, essential for healthy hormones, and arguably one of our favorite minerals. But as much as we love this magnificent nutrient, it isn’t necessarily always quite as simple as throwing magnesium at every ailment.

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Role of FSH in Menstrual Cycle: The how, when and why

If you’ve heard us talking about FSH in the past but still have no idea what the actual what it is, this one’s for you. Because despite how important FSH is to your reproductive wellbeing, no one really talks about

woman with acne

Menstrual Acne Remedies: Beat the Breakouts

If you’re anything like us, then you’re no stranger to the appearance of acne. And you’ll no doubt be completely unsurprised to hear that your Menstrual cycle is often to blame. But how can you tell whether you’re experiencing a

wooden balance

Your Estrogen balance: How it works

Real talk, gang. Estrogen can be a massive pain. It can, though, also be a massively positive influence on your body. Thing is, that can leave you with more questions than answers. Like, what exactly does Estrogen do? And more

Food for every phase 2

Eat for your cycle: Foods for every phase

What is cycle syncing? Cycle syncing or cycle eating aligns your lifestyle habits, like exercise and diet, with the different stages of your menstrual cycle. As women, our bodies have different monthly requirements to support healthy hormones. When we don’t

middle aged woman looking out the window

PMDD and Menopause: What can you expect?

If there’s one thing we know about PMDD and Menopause, it’s that neither one of them is a walk in the park. Hot flushes from the depths of hell itself? Got ‘em. Too familiar with the cracks in your bedroom

estrogen-positive breast cancer foods to avoid include this red wine

Decoding the breast cancer diet: Understanding what foods to avoid for estrogen-positive cases

Receiving the news that you have breast cancer can be devastating. Having your world turned upside down means learning to live with a new normal as you fight this horrible disease. While breast cancer is the most common type of

mix of seeds on wooden spoons

Seed cycling for hormone balance: Does it work?

Have you heard of seed cycling? Yes, we know it sounds like some sort of hellish spin class, where an overzealous instructor pelts you with seeds while screaming “Feel the burnnn!” But we promise you it’s a very cool, very

blue waves

Foods That Lower Testosterone

Gang, even though the world generally has no idea, women also produce Testosterone. No, we do. It’s in smaller quantities than our male counterparts, but it’s there and working hard for you behind the scenes. But what happens when you

woman in many different faces

Hormones and Emotions: How your cycle affects your mood

Gang, it’s not just sloughing off the lining of your uterus that causes hormonal mood changes. Yup, hormones affect your emotions all month long, but it’s not all angry crying and never being able to get enough chips. Believe it

hands holding two balloons like breasts

Hormones and Breast Cancer: What the what?

You may well be wondering what on Earth hormones have to do with breast cancer. And if you are, it’s a good point. Because, if you’re anything like us, there’s a very good chance you had no idea that hormones


Hormones and Mental Health: What’s the connection?

It’s no secret that hormones can have a huge impact on your physical health, but the connection between hormones and mental health is sometimes overlooked. Did you know that imbalanced hormones can worsen mental health conditions such as anxiety and

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How do hormones affect weight loss?

If you’re a regular Hormona, you’ll know we love to arm you with the knowledge and power to feel your best. Which means you’re likely aware that your menstrual hormones affect more than just your periods. But did you know


Serotonin and Melatonin: Foods good for your hormones

Now, as you probably know, Serotonin and Melatonin are two hormones that mean serious emotional business. But what if we told you they also have a sidekick, a little something called Tryptophan? Today we’re talking about Tryptophan’s connection to Serotonin

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Supplements that help PMS: Beat your cramps with vitamins!

Cramps, fatigue, mood swings, cravings — the list goes on and on. Are you also dealing with PMS? Then you are not alone; three in four menstruating people experience at least one symptom, thanks to their ever-changing hormone levels. It

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