Menopause and beyond

Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

back of a woman with blond hair

What are the signs that you need hormone replacement therapy?

What is hormone replacement therapy (HRT)? Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for women is a treatment that supplements or replaces declining hormone levels. Typically, HRT is given to manage menopausal symptoms, like vaginal dryness, hot flashes, decreased sex drive, and mood

woman laying on bed with a book

Postmenopausal syndrome: What is it and how do you handle it?

So, you’ve made it through Menopause. Or at least you thought you did. You can’t remember the last time you had a period, but those dang Menopause symptoms have not gone away. This is known as Postmenopausal syndrome, and it’s

smoked salom and chives

Protein and Menopause: A partnership

Now, calling protein and Menopause a partnership might sound a little odd, but hear us out. As you go through the extravaganza that is the end of your periods, hormone fluctuations don’t just affect your ovaries. They can also impact

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FSH after Menopause

You might have heard of FSH, or Follicle Stimulating Hormone, but you also might not have and that’s okay too! FSH is a hormone that rises and falls throughout your Menstrual cycle, as it’s involved in Ovulation. But as we

middle aged woman looking out the window

PMDD and Menopause: What can you expect?

If there’s one thing we know about PMDD and Menopause, it’s that neither one of them is a walk in the park. Hot flushes from the depths of hell itself? Got ‘em. Too familiar with the cracks in your bedroom

Women successfully surviving menopause

Surviving Menopause: How to beat your symptoms and thrive

Gang, let’s be clear from the off. If you’ve ever had a set of ovaries, Menopause is coming for you. That’s if it hasn’t already. And as it’s World Menopause Day, we thought we’d give a big shout-out to all

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FSH and Menopause

Gang, it’s time we talk about FSH, or Follicle Stimulating Hormone, as it’s known in the biz we call health. You’ve probably heard it bandied about on occasion, but what does it really do? And how is FSH involved with

woman with a fan

What happens to our hormones when we hit menopause?

Gang, this week we’re talking menopause. Whether you’re 14 or 44 it’s a coming for you so today we’re getting granular with this fate that will befall all of us women at some point. As the medical establishment is finally

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Menopause – your questions answered

I’m sure you know that October is World Menopause Month, and as women make up over half of the world’s population and we will all go through menopause eventually. We wanted to finish this month by covering all the questions

clock with legs sticking our and clouds with pills

Hormone Therapy: Types, Side effects and Benefits

Hormone therapy is that fabled elixir of eternal youth that strives keeps menopausal symptoms at bay. Of course, if you have yet to experience that crazy dance called the menopause hormone bounce you might well wonder what all the fuss

woman placing an HRT patch on her leg

HRT: What’s The Truth? Can it help with hot flashes and thin skin?

Following our piece on hormonal birth control recently, we thought it would be a good idea to take look at that other hormone extravaganza women face. Yup, today we’re talking menopause with all its symptoms like hot flashes, brain fog,


Menopause: There’s nothing to be scared of

The menopause! Darlings, it’s going to happen to all of us. No matter how much we don’t want to, eventually we will all go through it. We live in the 21st century, and women’s life expectancy is about 87-90 years,
multiple women

Menopause! How does your body change?

Darlings, I’ve got some bad news for you. When you reach 40 or the dreaded menopause, whichever hits first, your body will begin to change. Fact! What changes could happen with menopause? It’s not just that everything begins to move

green sign saying menopause lane

The Menopause minefield. What to expect.

Ah the Menopause. What do you think about it? What can we expect from menopause? Are you absolutely dreading it, because it means you are heading into middle-age and can no longer have children, do you think of hot flashes,

red chilli peppers with text hot flash

3 Creative Ways To Deal With Hot Flashes

Yes, it’s time to talk hot flashes, the dreaded symptom waiting for all of us as we approach menopause. In an earlier article I talked about the trials and tribulations of perimenopause, but this article is dedicated to hot flashes;

perimenopause what is it?

Perimenopause: Are you ready for it?

So, if your periods have become a law unto themselves, your PMS seems to hit whenever it feels like it, and you’re in your 40s, we might know what’s been going on with you. No, we’ve not been going through

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