
Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

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How Long Does LH Stay Elevated After Ovulation? Tracking Advice

What is an LH surge? If you’re tracking your hormones, you’ve probably noticed a drastic increase in your LH levels around the middle of the month, near the time you ovulate. It may make you wonder,” Why is my LH

Are You Sad When Breastfeeding? You’re Not Alone.

Breastfeeding can be one of the most amazing and rewarding experiences of being a mom. It activates the feel-good hormone Oxytocin and helps mom and baby create a deep connection… Right? Well, not necessarily. In fact, some women experience the

red underwear

IUD side effects: What changes to expect

Intrauterine devices, also known as IUDs, are among the most common forms of contraception available. They’re low maintenance, long-lasting, and incredibly effective. Sounds lovely! And for many women, it is. If you’re considering, or have recently got one, here are

BBT and Progesterone rise together like the sun

Why does my BBT go up when Progesterone rises?

Did you know that your Basal Body Temperature, or your BBT, changes throughout your cycle? Today we are going to talk about why your BBT goes up when your progesterone rises. And also how BBT can be used to track

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Can you improve fertility naturally?

When you decide to start a family, you probably make some lifestyle changes to naturally improve your fertility and chances of conception. Wine with dinner becomes non-caffeinated tea, and junk food is replaced with fruits and vegetables. Instead of late-night

eggs with nipples

Weird early pregnancy symptoms: The ultimate checklist

Are you pregnant? Or wondering if you might be pregnant? Are you experiencing symptoms and wondering if they’re normal or not? Fear not, gang, we here with the ultimate list of weird early pregnancy symptoms, and how best to handle

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Pelvic floor exercises: what is my pelvic floor and why is it important?

You might have heard of your pelvic floor (or you might not have, and that’s ok). Today we are going to talk about what your pelvic floor is, why it is important and pelvic floor exercises you can do to

blue pregnancy tests

Geriatric Pregnancy: When is it time for a fertility test?

Have you ever thought about your fertility and at what age you’ll stop being considered fertile? At what point should you explore a fertility test? Great news, gang! Our geriatric age has just gone up. Yup, women, have long been

woman holding her pregnant belly

Fertility – what they don’t teach us in school

I don’t know about you, but I left school very confused about my own fertility. There seemed to be two conflicting messages: In “sex education” the message seemed to be we could get pregnant by just looking at a boy

post-natal depression

Post-natal depression – all the facts

Having a baby floods your emotions with love and joy, but what if they are replaced by feelings of despair, loneliness and guilt? And what if that glowing pride and love for your newborn, has become Post-natal depression? Post-natal depression

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Do women feel guilty about not wanting children?

I don’t have children, I never wanted to have children and I am now of an age where the odds of me having children are slim to none. It has never left me feeling like I missed out on something,

woman holding her pregnant tummy

Planning a pregnancy: 15 things you need to know

We don’t always get to plan pregnancies; they have a tendency to come along just when we’ve got our dream job or are in the middle of a house renovation. But just like a house renovation or big project at

New mums anxiety? What is it and How to Cope

This post will cover the important topic of new mums anxiety. It is important to remember that you’re not alone, all new mums are anxious. The good news is you will continue to worry about your offspring, in varying degrees,

Children: Why It’s Perfectly Fine To Not Want Them

Sadly, there are many women out there who either aren’t in a position to have children or maybe for medical reasons they aren’t able to conceive, but so desperately desire to be a mother. I can only speak from an


Childfree By Choice Is On The Raise: Is It For You?

I was reading what is happening in the world outside of my bubble and came across the choice of Childfree. It intrigued me. Well, I have heard of those who don’t want children. I did not know there was a

Mum, The Artist!

Mama, how are you feeling today? Have you eaten, showered, brushed your hair, wait! And your teeth?! Sounds like a lot huh? For the modern day Mama, juggling Work, Home and Social Life (often for the whole family) can be

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