Mental health

Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

woman in profile with head in the clouds

ADHD and PMS: What’s the connection?

Just guzzled your second coffee of the day? Can’t shake that fuzzy feeling? Yep, you know it gang, most of us are familiar with PMS brain fog, AKA a hangover without the fun. Normal as they are, those vague “What

woman in many different faces

Hormones and Emotions: How your cycle affects your mood

Gang, it’s not just sloughing off the lining of your uterus that causes hormonal mood changes. Yup, hormones affect your emotions all month long, but it’s not all angry crying and never being able to get enough chips. Believe it

woman with constellations on her face

Hormones and How They Affect Your Mental Health

Gang, this week we’re talking mental health, but more specifically, how hormones can have an effect on how you feel. Now, before you file this away under “Well… Duh,” allow us to, perhaps, blow your mind. Yes, anyone who identifies

woman with a bag over her head

How to train yourself to think positively

So who remembers what PMA stands for? If you are of a certain age, you may recall this Persil advert where a young boy was told that if he wanted to be Linford Christie (the British Usain Bolt of his

woman putting a white knitted jumper over her head

The new “new normal”: easing post-lockdown anxiety

Things are starting to open up now around the world. If you’re based in the UK, then chances are you’ve been going out (responsibly I hope!) for a while now. But is this the new “normal”? Maybe you’ve found that

body with wrinkles and lines filled in with gold

Self criticism: Does our body image decline during the summertime?

Summer is officially here. While that can be exciting for some, for others, it can be a time of stress, self criticism and frustration. I am a firm believer and supporter that your body is your own and you can

apple in a mirror

Let’s talk body image and body dysmorphia: Part 1

What do you see when you look in the mirror darlings? In an ideal world, we’d say we see a beauty, a true reflection of ourselves. However, we don’t live in an ideal world. We live in a world where

grey scale woman and back

Depression Symptoms: Is it depression or are you just sad?

Darlings, no matter how hard you try, you can’t be a little ray of sunshine every single day. Fact! Sometimes you just don’t feel like smiling because you’ve had a bad day at work, a row with your partner, or

how to beat burnout

How to Beat Burnout

Let’s talk about how we can beat burnout. There’s no denying it, the past 12 months have been tough. Our lives have changed in ways we never thought possible; we miss our loved ones, our social lives are non-existent and

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Antidepressants Part 2: side effects

Today we are talking about the side effects of antidepressants. A couple of weeks ago with kicked of this antidepressant series with an article about antidepressants in general and all you need to know. If you haven’t read it already

red lips with a smile pill

Antidepressants part 1: the basics

I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about antidepressants. Maybe some of you have family and friends who have tried them, or maybe you’re considering them for yourself. Here’s the thing: they really can work. But before you take anything, book

how to beat burnout

How to Beat Burnout

Let’s talk about how we can beat burnout. There’s no denying it, the past 12 months have been tough. Our lives have changed in ways we never thought possible; we miss our loved ones, our social lives are non-existent and

woman screaming on yellow background

Stress: 5 top tips to beat it today

Darlings, do you get easily stressed, or do you roll with the punches? Work, money, family, there’s so much to do and so little time to do it all. Is it any wonder that stress is one of the biggest

you've got this on black board

Mental Health at Work – Self-Care Isn’t Enough!

The stigma of opening up about mental health struggles is finally beginning to fade. This makes conversations on mental health at work too – which plays a huge part in the mental wellbeing of a lot of us. With technological

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What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter Syndrome seems to be everywhere, How many famous actors or celebrities, people in the public eye have come forward to say that they suffer from Imposter Syndrome. So what is it?? What is Imposter Syndrome? The dictionary says anxiety

boulder in the sea

How The Sea Can Help Your Health

The ocean covers seventy per cent of the earth and its importance is unmistakable. It’s an enormous source of food for much of the world, it acts as a carbon sink, it supports billions of lives and even provides the


Are you your own worst enemy?

Do you sometimes wish it would be wonderful to have someone in your corner? Someone who won’t think you’re stupid, or your ideas are completely whacked, or that despite lounging around make-up free you are attractive? What would you say

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How to declutter in ten easy steps

Maybe it’s because we’re spending more time at home in 2020, or because the nights are drawing in and we want to make our houses cosy. There has never been a better time to declutter. But where to start? If

girl looking out on snow

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Autumn just happens to be my favourite time of year. I love it. Beautiful crisp,sunny days, the colours of the leaves falling off the trees, and of course the exitement starts to build for Christmas. Then the New Year is

relax refresh and recharge

Destressing: 10 quick ways to destress

With stresses coming from all directions at the moment, work, financial, health, not leaving your home for six months because of a global pandemic…. It’s easy to let stress get on top of you. This, in turn, impacts on all

tapping fingers on hand on orange background

All You Need To Know About Tapping

Have you heard of tapping? Until I recently stumbled across a tapping video on Instagram I had no idea what it was or how it could help me. Intrigued by this video I decided to learn more and discovered a

Even Depression Can Be Sexist. How Much Does Your Gender Affect Your Mind?

Although the arts of self-reflection and introspection may just come more easily to women than men — rightly or wrongly being considered the more emotionally attuned of the sexes, they also have a harder time with obsessive overthinking and rumination.

woman meditation on beach in sunset

Information Overload – how to find some quiet in busy times

The more chaotic your life is, the more you need balance to find quiet in busy times. Most of us survive on a mixture of adrenaline, coffee and days crammed with meetings, kids, deadlines and remembering to pick up parmesan

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Anxiety: what it is and how to cope with it.

Today with want to talk about anxiety and how you can cope with anxiety. Since anxiety is getting more and more common we want to make sure you can all spot anxiety as well as understand how to deal with

beauty product nicely displayed

Self-Care Activities for Mental Health

Today we’re talking about self-care activities for mental health. When we think about self-care we immediately think about facemasks, candles and general relaxation, however these are not the only ways to practice self-care. While these methods do have their merits,

different types of teas

Plant Power: The Benefits of Tea For Mental Health

My dad is fond of saying, in his lovely English/Irish way, that there is no problem a good cup of tea cannot solve. I’ve always been inclined to agree with that. In fact, the benefits of tea go are pretty

What is Borderline Personality Disorder?

All You Need to Know About Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder, often shortened to BPD, is a relatively new mood disorder that was first diagnosed in 1980. Those with BPD have difficulty understanding and dealing with their emotions, specifically with regards to how they think and feel about

woman in bath

How Baths Can Cure Your Mental Health

We all think of bathing as a pretty straightforward affair, something you do for personal hygiene or as a self-indulgence. My memories of having baths mostly come from being a child, sitting there with my sister and making beards out

body and mind sign on wooden background

The Physical Side of Mental Health: Mind and Body

When we think of mental health, we think just of that. Mental; in our heads. But what often goes hand in hand with mental health struggles, are the physical reactions our bodies have. Here at Selfish Darling, we have talked

Our science-backed supplement is finally here.

Say hello to Hormone Support, a daily supplement designed to address the most common hormonal symptoms tracked in our app.

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