All You Need To Know About Tapping

tapping fingers on hand on orange background
Published September 11, 2020
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Have you heard of tapping? Until I recently stumbled across a tapping video on Instagram I had no idea what it was or how it could help me. Intrigued by this video I decided to learn more and discovered a therapy technique that literally anyone can do at any time, anywhere with impressive results.

So in its simplest form, what is tapping?

Tapping is simply tapping lightly with your fingertips on certain pressure points around your body while talking through traumatic events or old belief systems that might be holding you back.

It might sound kooky but tapping has been used to help treat patients with PTSD,  depression, anxiety and much more.

So how does it work?

Tapping is most commonly used in two types of therapy; EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques?) and TFT (Thought Field Therapy). Both use similar techniques but use a different pattern of tapping. In this article we’ll be focusing on the EFT technique.

Both therapies draw from Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern psychology. Chinese medicine teaches us there is a natural flow of energy throughout our bodies called Qi. Our Qi can sometimes become blocked;  this is when we might become unwell, have health complaints or feel depressed and lethargic. We can unblock this energy by working on certain pressure points (called acupressure points) around the body. When we apply pressure to these areas our natural energy becomes balanced and is able to flow freely, making us feel good.

When we tap on these points and talk through experiences that have caused us upset or pain many believe we can restore the body’s natural energy which  can then help relieve any pain a negative emotion or experience has caused.

Many also believe that tapping on these points also sends signals to the part of the brain that controls stress. There is some evidence to suggest that when we work on these energy points we reduce any stress associated with these negative emotions.

So how do you tap?

Before you start tapping think of the negative emotion or experience that might be holding you back. It could be a traumatic experience like a break up  or a memory that makes you anxious. It could be hating the way you look or believing that you’re not good enough.  Whatever it might be focus on this issue; think about how it makes you feel, explore the event deeply thinking about what happened and how you reacted. You might like to think about this issue or it might help to speak aloud and talk through it.

Next, using your fingertips begin to tap lightly between five to seven times on each acupressure point in sequence, making sure to think or speak about your negative emotion or event as you do so. As you begin to do this start accepting your feelings around this emotion; forgive yourself for feeling or behaving in a certain way in response to this and accept that you cannot change what has happened in the past. Say aloud that although you may suffer from certain issues that you deeply and completely love and accept yourself; as you do so feel these old emotions being released and your natural energy becoming restored.

What are the tapping points?

There are 8 acupressure points on your body that we tap during this process. These are:

  • The top of the eyebrows. This point is associated with the bladder
  • The side of the eye. This point is associated with the Gall bladder
  • Underneath the eye. This point is associated with the stomach
  • Underneath the nose. This point is associated with the governing vessel
  • The chin. This point is associated with the central vessel
  • The tops of the collarbone. This point is associated with the kidney
  • Underneath the arm. This point is associated with the spleen
  • The top of the head. This point is associated with the governing vessel

Once you have completed this tapping sequence, take a deep breath and scan how you feel. If you still feel anxious, scared, worried or angry, repeat the sequence again until you start to feel better. There is no limit how many times you can tap; the power is literally in your hands and can be repeated as many times as you feel fit.

Why should I tap?

One of the great  things about tapping is the freedom and flexibility it gives each individual. You don’t need to pay expensive therapy bills, you can do it when it suits you and you don’t need to leave your house to do it. There are some debates over the effectiveness of tapping but the rhythmic actions of tapping on your body helps bring about a sense of wellbeing and peacefulness if nothing else. It’s not often we take time out of day to sit quietly on our own and reflect and tapping gives us the opportunity to do this.

There is also a lot to be said of speaking aloud and forgiving ourselves for past behaviours or for feeling a certain way. We often tend to bury feelings that make us feel upset, angry or ashamed, but tapping allows us to honestly address these feelings and deeply accept ourselves despite what may have happened in the past.

Tapping can also be used as part of a daily mantra or to help manifest your desires. Again, start by tapping gently on each point whilst repeating your daily mantra or speaking aloud your wants and desires. In doing so you’re helping to cement what you want from life, giving you a focus and drive, as well as helping you start your day feeling relaxed and full of positivity.

It is important to note that tapping can only help you so far; if you are struggling with an issue that is affecting your day to day life then please do reach out to your GP or a medical professional.

Want to know more?

There are scores of people out there who can help you learn more about tapping. The Instagram influencer Gala Darling (@Galadarling) has used tapping to help treat her anxiety and eating disorders and has some great videos on her IGTV.

The Tapping Solution (@thetappingsolution) is another great Instagram account that can teach you more about tapping with informative posts and videos.

You’ve also got Phyllis Ginsberg who’s written a book about it and does courses.


Disclaimer: This website does not provide medical advice. The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images, and other material contained on this website is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new healthcare regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Dr Singh is the Medical Director of the Indiana Sleep Center. His research and clinical practice focuses on the myriad of sleep.

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