
Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

womans hand tied with measuring tape

Body Dysmorphia Part 2: Mental illness and anorexia, my story

Trigger warning: This article is about mental illness and anorexia. This article is about my personal experience with both. If you don’t have the mental space to read this today or this topic is too close to home for you

blue brain

From working overtime to lack of me time: Lockdown struggles

It’s well known here at Hormona HQ that our readers are among the nicest, smartest and most tasteful on the entire web. So, we absolutely know that you know all of what’s to follow is 100 per cent true. But

woman covering her face with her arm which has GRL PWR in black written on it

International Women’s Day: Sisters are doing it for themselves…

This Monday was International Women’s Day and so to continue the celebration of women this week we’re looking at some of the kick-ass, strong women throughout history who have proved that sisters really can do it for themselves! Power women

sleep routine

Why creating a bedtime routine will help you sleep better

Sleeping is not just a regular habit that we need to do daily but a biological necessity. It’s something we have to do to give our body and brain time to reset and rejuvenate. But, in today’s fast-paced society, both

choose kindness

Choose kindness-How to encourage more compassion

Today we’re talking about choosing kindness. Let’s face it darlings, is it just me, or does the world seem to be going to hell in a handbasket? It was going in a crazy direction before COVID-19, now it just seems

manequins in row

How to improve your body language

Darlings, it’s time to talk body language. No, not how to improve your love life with all that fluttering of eyelashes, flicking of hair and coy smiles, but how to improve every aspect of your life. Has it ever occurred

Banya equipment

Get Banya Beautiful

I’m a spa junkie; always on the lookout to visit new spas and try out new treatments. So when I heard about the Russian Banya I knew I had to add to my list give it a try. What Is


Hairy Topics? A History of Women Shaving

I remember first really learning about feminism; I think a lot of us start off in the same way. And one of the things that caught my early adolescent eye, was shaving. I saw the adverts, both on TV and

mixed greens on stone top

Are you eating the right foods for your age?

As we get older, our bodies change and our metabolism adjusts. We go through a roller coaster of hormonal shifts and have babies. So it’s a good idea to pay attention to what you are eating depending on how old

woman putting a facemark on

Maskne – How To Care For Your Skin While Wearing A Mask

2020 has been full of surprises. Today, most of us are living a new normal we never would have ever dreamed of before. We’ve overcome obstacles and adjusted nearly every part of our lives, uncertain of what the future holds.


3 good reasons you need to laugh

Let’s face it darlings, there’s not been much to celebrate or laugh about this year has there? COVID-19, lockdowns, social isolation and social and political unrest. But in today’s world of high-tech gadgets and gizmos, medicinal remedies for anything, and

women of different ethnicities sitting together in a row

A Guide to Holistic Health-The Five Areas: Social

Holistic health is something many of us have heard about but aren’t always sure as to what it exactly means. Here at Selfish Darling, we have been taking you through our guide to understanding the holistic approach to health. If

woman sat meditating on the floor

A Guide to Holistic Health: The Five Areas – Spiritual

At Selfish Darling, we are huge supporters of holistic health. But for those of you who aren’t quite sure what that means, we have been putting together a guide to holistic health. You can check out our first article where

woman meditating

A Guide to Holistic Health-The Five Areas: Emotional

New to holistic health? Here at Selfish Darling were are taking you through our basic guide to holistic health; what it is and how to incorporate it into your life. If you haven’t read our first piece, introducing you to

what you eat written in white script with fruit and vegetables

Food & Mood – How To Eat Yourself Happy

If you’ve ever gone on a diet you’ll know that food can affect your mood. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realise that denying yourself the foods you love will make you unhappy but what about the types of

early bird and night owl

Early Bird vs Night Owl

I am the sort of person who could easily sleep to midday, beyond even, and it was something I have often been told I will grow out of. But I fall asleep late, so in my mind, it works out

woman with flowers on her vagina

Womanology – A Product Review

Today we’re looking at some of the lovely products from Womanology and I have to say I absolutely love these products! From the self-love potions to the cleansing oils, they are just beautiful. You know we talk a lot about

brain and stethoscope

A Guide to Holistic Health: The Five Areas – Mental

Here at Hormona we are taking your through a guide to understanding what holistic health. As covered in our first article here, holistic health can be broken down into five areas, spheres or dimensions and today we’re covering the mental

skin creams and product in washbag

Autumn Skincare Essentials

As we say goodbye to summer and pull on our cosy knits, we need to pause and have a think about what autumn does to our skin. The changing of the seasons means we have to tweak our beauty routines

self care on pink background

Winter Self Care: How To Care For Yourself As The Weather Gets Colder

Summer is slowly coming to an end; the evenings are drawing in, the mornings are chillier and the leaves on the trees are starting to turn from green to gold. That means it’s time to get into some winter self

scale with pink text

Why quick-fix diets don’t work

How many quick-fix diets have you tried? One, two, three, more? And have you learned anything from those experiences? Magazines and social media are full of so-called influencers plugging the latest miracle quick-fix diet. But whether it’s ‘drop a dress

toothbrush and teeth on blue background

Your guide to looking after your teeth

Pearly whites, chompers, ivories, choppers or gnashers, whatever you call your teeth, it’s imperative you look after them. We don’t just mean brushing; but checking what we should be eating (and not eating) and keeping an eye on the general

woman in red jumper looking up

Self-Discovery and Spirituality: What They Can Mean For You

I have recently been pondering some questions less-often-posed during our discussions on spirituality – and how our beliefs about our place in this universe shapes how we view and understand ourselves as an individual. I mean, it’s a pretty big

three women doing yoga

A Guide to Holistic Health: The Five Areas- Physical

If you haven’t read our initial introduction to holistic health, check that out here. We are taking you through a basic guide to the holistic approach to health, and as previously mentioned in our other post, the approach can be

fresh fish

Why You Should Be Including Fish In Your Diet

I’ve been vegetarian since I was fifteen, but over the last few years I started to eat fish again. I grew up eating a lot of fish, but it’s something that doesn’t feature in our diet quite as much as

what your friends think of you

When do you stop caring what your friends think of you?

Getting dressed, buying food, choosing earrings… how many times do we consider what others think, when making everyday choices? Why does it matter so much what our friends think of us, and how can we start living life for ourselves?

holistic health on post it note on orange background

A Guide to Holistic Health: Part One

We’ve all heard of holistic health in one way or the other. Whether through natural medicines, essential oils, ancient medicines or meditation; the rising popularity for natural alternatives for modern problems has caught a lot of people’s attention. But what

best facials

The Best Facials And Why You Need To Get Them Now

If facials aren’t already part of your beauty routine you need to stop what you’re doing and book one immediately. Having regular facials is a great way to: Rejuvenate tired, dull looking skin Reduce breakouts Improve the skin’s circulation Slow

paint brushes and oil paint

Classic Female Artists for Visual Inspiration

In museums and galleries around the world we are surrounded by the male view. From Picasso to Van Gogh, Degas, Monet and Rembrandt, the artistic world has been dominated by men. But female artists have been making ground-breaking strides in

women on orange sofa

How To Have Honest Conversations- Improve your Small Talk

Having open and honest conversations is what we all want and I mean come on, is there anything more awkward than having to make small talk? We’ve all been there; found ourselves in a sticky situation, racking our brains for

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