Female Body

Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

mix of seeds on wooden spoons

Seed cycling for hormone balance: Does it work?

Have you heard of seed cycling? Yes, we know it sounds like some sort of hellish spin class, where an overzealous instructor pelts you with seeds while screaming “Feel the burnnn!” But we promise you it’s a very cool, very

woman writing her weekly plan next to computer

Menstrual cycle planning: Your life, but better

You probably already know that during your period, there’s a good chance you’re not at the top of your game. But what about the other parts of your cycle? And how can Menstrual cycle planning help you change your life

Women successfully surviving menopause

Surviving Menopause: How to beat your symptoms and thrive

Gang, let’s be clear from the off. If you’ve ever had a set of ovaries, Menopause is coming for you. That’s if it hasn’t already. And as it’s World Menopause Day, we thought we’d give a big shout-out to all


Eat for your Cycle: Foods that make period cramps worse

If there’s one universal truth, it’s that period pain sucks. We know the feeling: Curled up on the couch, cuppa in hand, and the painkillers just aren’t pulling their weight. But what if we told you that your diet could,

pill packs

Coming off the pill: What happens?

The pill, as we all know, can be a wonder. And it’s not just about being in control of your fertility, either. Hormonal birth control can help with extreme cramps and severe bleeding and PMS. But what happens when it’s

Flax seed's phytoestrogens can affect breast cancer

Phytoestrogens and Breast Cancer: What you need to know

Gang, as October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, we thought it was high time we talked about hormones and breast cancer. Yes, it’s a depressing — and mildly alarming — fact that Estrogen is linked to several types of tumors,

women moving red smoke from her face

Types of PMS: PME, PMDD — What does it all mean?

If you’re someone who experiences the joys of menstruation, you’re probably also familiar with the term Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, or PMS. Generally speaking, it describes the collection of symptoms that show up around a week before your period. But, as you

tape measure

How do hormones affect weight loss?

If you’re a regular Hormona, you’ll know we love to arm you with the knowledge and power to feel your best. Which means you’re likely aware that your menstrual hormones affect more than just your periods. But did you know

4 eggs representing 4 phases

PMS Types: What You Need To Know

Gang, there’s a good chance you’re already familiar with PMS – far too familiar. It’s the chocolate-craving, mood-swinging, surprise-crying curse of the menstrual cycle. But did you know there are different PMS types? Because the demented clutch of symptoms plaguing

tea bags

Cuppa cure! Tea for period cramps

Tea lovers, this one’s for you. This steeped savior has been used for millennia as a tasty beverage. But did you know it’s also a staple in Ayurvedic medicine? In fact, practitioners believe there’s a tea for any PMS symptom


Exercise and your Menstrual cycle: How Estrogen affects muscles

Gang, it’s time we talk about Estrogen’s other jobs. Yes, it’s vital in reproduction, but it’s also vital to just a bunch of other stuff. And one of those things is working out. More specifically, your muscles and endurance level.

pink hourglass

FSH and Menopause

Gang, it’s time we talk about FSH, or Follicle Stimulating Hormone, as it’s known in the biz we call health. You’ve probably heard it bandied about on occasion, but what does it really do? And how is FSH involved with

woman laid clutching her tummy

Endometriosis: The basics

There’s a good chance you’ve already heard of Endometriosis, thanks to the amount of media attention it’s been getting recently. And good thing, too. Because one in ten women across the world has it, and getting a diagnosis can take

spoon with salt

What does iodine have to do with your periods?

Have you heard of iodine? Did you know how having low iodine levels can affect your periods? Today we will talk about iodine and why it is important for our bodies. What is iodine? Iodine is a mineral that our

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How late can a period be? Causes and reasons for late periods

Late periods can be really stressful! For a lot of reasons. If you are trying not to get pregnant then a late period can make you panic! If you are trying to get pregnant then a late period might make

rusty chain

Why do I need to replenish my iron levels after my periods?

Do you know what iron does in your body and why it is important? Lots of people have heard of iron but don’t realise how important it is or how our periods can affect our iron levels. Today we are

tampons in a circle

Why does the colour of my period blood change? And what does it mean?

Have you ever noticed that the color of your period blood sometimes looks different? Or different from what you see in magazines/on the internet? You might also notice that the color changes as your period progress. Today we are going


Periods – what is “normal”?

Let’s talk about periods! We have made a lot of progress in the last few decades, but periods still tend to be a pretty taboo topic in society. We sometimes have no idea what anyone else’s period is like, so

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Non-hormonal birth control

You might know that most birth control (contraception) contains hormones, but there are also non-hormonal birth control options. Today we are going to talk about what the options are if you don’t want to be using hormones.   What is

light pink balloon

Period Bloating: What Is it? Why do we get it & how can we soothe it?

You know the drill. At some point during the month, you pull on your favorite jeans… And they won’t do up. The zip is fine, nothing’s caught and you’re pretty sure you haven’t shrunk them. Your stomach is swollen, you’re

red flaoting

Living with PMDD: When PMS Get Nasty

Okay, we know what you’re thinking: PMS is always nasty, bish. You are, of course, completely correct. But there are some among us – an unlucky few – for whom nasty doesn’t even come close. That time of the month

pomegranate on grey background

Can you improve fertility naturally?

When you decide to start a family, you probably make some lifestyle changes to naturally improve your fertility and chances of conception. Wine with dinner becomes non-caffeinated tea, and junk food is replaced with fruits and vegetables. Instead of late-night

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Chronic pelvic pain: causes & treatments

Chronic is used to describe any symptom that lasts a long time (technically longer than 6 months). The opposite of chronic is acute, which describes something that (usually) comes on suddenly and lasts less than 6 months. What is chronic

woman with a fan

What happens to our hormones when we hit menopause?

Gang, this week we’re talking menopause. Whether you’re 14 or 44 it’s a coming for you so today we’re getting granular with this fate that will befall all of us women at some point. As the medical establishment is finally

Phases of the Menstrual Cycle: The Luteal phase

Have you ever wondered what is actually happening in your body every month during your cycle? Or how your periods happen? Periods and the menstrual cycle are discussed much more now than they ever used to be, but it can

Phases of the Menstrual Cycle: The Ovulation Phase

Have you ever wondered what is actually happening in your body every month during your cycle? Or how your periods happen? Periods and the menstrual cycle are discussed much more now than they ever used to be, but it can

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Phases of the Menstrual Cycle: The Follicular phase

Have you ever wondered what is actually happening in your body every month during your cycle? Or how your periods happen? Periods and the menstrual cycle are discussed much more now than they ever used to be, but it can

When your period strikes, it's the first phase of your cycle

Your period: Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

Quick question, gang. Do you consider your period the end of a cycle, or the start? Well, you might be surprised to learn that the first day of your period is actually the first day of a new menstrual cycle.

purple dumbbells

Strength training: Why it’s an important part of your fitness routine

Forget ‘the body beautiful”, that’s is not what this article is about. But, if you are over a certain age, as a woman, there are many benefits to adding strength training to your fitness program. Even if you’re not over

woman holding her tummy

Can Birth Control Help With PMS?

Cramps. Acne. Insomnia. Tears. Ice cream. Sound familiar? If you currently or have ever identified as a woman, that list may well strike fear into your heart. And that’s probably because, like around 90 percent of the women on this

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