Emotional wellbeing

Our Library is packed with personal stories and in-depth research-
based features, alongside the latest medical and scientific discoveries
in the worlds of hormone and reproductive health.

5 small changes that can positively influence your mental health

1. Keep your room tidy There is certainly a reason the saying ‘tidy room, tidy mind’ exists. Setting a few minutes aside each day to tidy up your room can have a number of benefits. When day to day life

How Are You, Darling?

How are you? A sentence that is often the first learnt when trying to master a new language, to most learners, no matter the language, it comes easy enough. But, what about the meaning? I’ve found on my (albeit humble)

How Your Head Controls Your Body

Your mind makes you, you Darling, it also determines how you function in life. Very recently in an attempt to boycott the 30 something weight balloon, liver sorosis from the binge drinking I am no longer able to handle, inevitable

Why Owning Plants can Lead to a Happier Life

There are many reasons why owning and looking after plants in your home can be beneficial to your life. Air Purity Air purity is a very important thing when it comes to the environment you live in. Having air that

Happily Never After: Why Sad Endings May Be More Uplifting

Hollywood movies are best known for one thing – a charming happy ending. But there’s a mounting body of evidence to show that our attraction to a satisfying, uplifting ending, may actually be bringing us down. Our culture has become

Always Look Up Darling

When following your own path it can be hard to feel like you aren’t having a quarter or mid-life crisis Darling. Thinking about the rebels of society who often stand out. We can observe by and large humans are creatures

How to alter your social media usage for the better

In a world so consumed by social media and the internet, such things are pretty hard to avoid. However, it is important to adapt the ways these are used to make sure they don’t get the better of you and

childhoos nicknames holdingyou back

Are Your Childhood Nicknames Still Holding You Back?

The funny one. The silly one. The naughty one. The clumsy one. Most of us grew up with ‘joke’ nicknames, given to us by our family and friends. But there’s a serious problem with the habit of giving children casual

Vulnerability is the Essence of Courage

This piece in an ode to the fabulous woman Brene Brown, the following is a quote that inspired her vulnerability research and work. Recently I was asked to host a talk on a new psychological concept and I could feel

The Power of Sound: Gong Meditation for Inner Peace

In yoga studios up and down the country, a strange new form of relaxation is taking place. Gong meditation, or gong healing, is becoming a popular way to unwind and find inner peace. But what is it, and is gong

The Digital Working Age and Impact on Mental Health

It doesn’t take Stephen Hawkins (RIP) style intelligence to realise the digital age is having an impact on our wellbeing if you didn’t realise you must be an idiot. Our mobile phones are no longer phones they are for; email,

Learn How to be More Present (Without Dedicating Your Life to Yoga)

You’d be forgiven for rolling your eyes when stumbling across yet another blog post about being ‘present’. This word has been bandied about so much lately that it’s easy to dismiss it as just another wellness buzzword, but there’s more

5 Easy Ways to Access Your Vulnerability

Vulnerability – one of the biggest buzzwords in the self-care scene right now. Experts tell us that allowing ourselves to be more vulnerable will open us up to deeper relationships, allow us to feel more joy and take away our

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What’s in Your Stress Bucket? The Stress Bucket Model

Stress is a word that consumes our society, even the Dalai Lama worries about whether he looks good in his robes occasionally. As women there is the expectation that we ‘should’ be ok after the birth of a baby, that

women showing tumb

The Secret Sauce to Success is Self-Belief

One of the fabled sayings that resonates most with the modern-day entrepreneur, originates from Henry Ford. He said that if you think you can or you cannot, you are right either way. By way of explanation, this goes to say

girl covered in colourful paint holding her face

Am I too sensitive?

Am I too sensitive? Have you ever found yourself asking this question? Or perhaps you have been accused of being “too sensitive”? Has a rude comment left you pondering over why someone would say that? Or are there times when

Meditate To Know Yourself

Day by day we wake up, embrace the day and start thinking about all the tasks that we have on our agenda. We plan our time multitasking between our job, our family and our social life. Its energy consuming, exhausting

Create your Own Definition of Success

We often feel as though we are falling short of standards, but whose standards are we holding ourselves up to? Do we define success by how much money we make? Or does the accumulation of material things or property equal

Mindfulness: What It Is, Why You Should Do It, And How You Can Do It

It’s being in touch with, like, your inner self, or something? Whatever it is, it’s a quick and fool proof way to clear your mind and look after yourself for a change. Mindfulness is the new buzzword for self-care, and


How to Stop Objectifying Yourself Immediately

Do you ever get yourself all dressed up to go out and check yourself out in the mirror, only to be deeply dissatisfied and feel like staying home? Perhaps crippling feelings of inadequacy have meant that you have avoided going

Distracted At Your Desk? This is How To Be Productive

We all slack. We all have off days, slow hours, “extended” lunchtimes, and boring weeks. But not bring productive can pile up into approaching deadlines, and minimal motivation. And they aren’t going to keep us reaching our bosses’ targets. But

What’s the cost of confidence? How to build your self-esteem

It’s the buzzword of the beauty industry, and echoes across secondary school PSCHE lessons; we are obsessed with self-esteem. Almost as much as we aren’t obsessed with ourselves. But maybe we should be. Maybe we should think a little better

Watch for the warning signs: what are the signs of stress?

We can knot ourselves into a yoga pose, and deep breathe until the cows come home, but stress is still a fact of life. And sometimes, it feels as if we cannot escape the anxiety and pressure that plagues us

Workplace loneliness: how you can avoid feeling isolated at work

From those fresh out of school, to those just switching departments, a new job is pretty scary. New people, new responsibilities, a new photocopier to try and work out; it’s overwhelming to say the least. But a new problem is

What you need to know about depression and how to beat it

Look around. Chances are, whether it’s you, or someone sitting next to you on the bus, someone has had depression. And although the symptoms leave us feeling lonely, we are in fact far from it; more than 300 million people

Apple A Day Keeps The Anxiety Away: Stay Healthy When You’re Stressed

When our anxiety kicks into high gear, we all know the drill. We trade out the carrot sticks for something a little bit sweeter, and swap out our well-balanced dinners for a faster alternative. And if that isn’t bad enough,

How you can avoid feeling overwhelmed at work

Chances are that already today you have bare witness to the adverts, and articles, and tweets, and headlines that day after day tell us the same story: we are all getting too stressed at work. And this stress isnt just

How to Turn Negative Thoughts into Positive

In life it is easy to focus on the negatives rather than the positives. Any failures or bad things that happen tend to effect us more, as it is easy to get caught up in over thinking what has happened

Moving Forward: How You Can Let Go of The Past

Regrets plague us all, whether it’s in our career, our relationships, or any other decision we won’t be bragging about at our next school reunion. If it’s dealing a sharp blow to our self-esteem, or it keeps us tossing and

How to Make More Time for Yourself and Relax

When you are working hard at your career and trying to please those around you, keeping up a social life whilst also trying to live in a clean house, it can be hard to find the time to just please

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